The Grand Lodge Convention brings together delegates from all over North America to set the agenda and policies that will continue the progress made in past conventions, ensuring that the IAM continues to be a union that effectively serves its members and advocates for all. This exciting event depends on the collective effort of many individuals to guarantee its success.

Dedicated event staff from each territory play a crucial role in providing behind-the-scenes support to the Grand Lodge Staff and Host Committee to ensure the convention’s seamless operation. Their responsibilities include ensuring that speakers arrive on time and facilitating the smooth flow of panel discussions and sessions.


Gil Simmons

IAM Air Transport Grand Lodge Representative


Byron Williams 

IAM Western Territory Grand Lodge Representative


Chris Wiers

IAM District 4 Business Representative

Eastern Territory


Katie Gamez 

IAM Local 2916 President

Southern Territory


Todd Humleker

IAM District 10 Business Representative

Midwest Territory


Heather Kohli

IAM Local 907 Secretary-Treasurer

Canadian Territory